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![]() In Village Voice, January 16 1996. ![]() The Kitchen's latest TONE evening, billed as "unCAGEd," seeks to find common ground between John Cage's mellow late works and the current ambient craze: a debatable buy intriguing connection. The percussion virtuosi of Essential Music play the master's free-wheeling Variations I-IV from the '60s, along with several of the late, Feldmanesque "number" pieces. Composing pianist Speach will perform related works by Cage, Feldman, and Oliveros. Afterward, stick around for the scene, its ambience flavored by some of New York's best disc-twirlers, including DJ Spooky and Terre Thaemlitz, along with Fluxus composer Paul Panhuysen adn Cagean concrete art poiet Richard Kostelanetz. Saturday at 8, The Kitchen, 512 West 19th Street, (212) 255-5793. |