Five People DJ Sprinkles Would Like to Fuck
- Viceland Music

In Vice (UK:, February 8 2011.

DJ Sprinkles is an alias of Kawasaki-based DJ, Queer theory iconoclast and Transgender philosopher Terre Thaemlitz. The highbrow dance music Terre has been making since the 1980s has attracted plenty of big words, too. We can get down with 'deep house' and 'ambient drift', but when the guys at The Wire or the 'We actually prefer post-punk, yeah' crowd from Resident Advisor start talking about 'neo-expressionist electroacoustic computer piano music', you can't help but wonder if there are too many words in the English language for "I am a sad man who likes wasting his own time by filing things away in predominantly empty boxes".
Boil it down, and Terre's a guy who has spent the best part of 30 years wearing women's clothes and playing and making great music he refers to as "Fagjazz". His back catalogue includes such hits as "Sloppy 42nds", "Brenda's $20 Dilemma" and "Masturjakor", and he's currently working on "some commissions" for his 8GB A/V project that should be ready later this year. We asked him for a list of people he'd like to fuck.

Back when he was alive - but towards the end. I can't imagine what it would be like... can you? The inability to imagine it in any way is what makes it appealing.

Before she got all penitent.

A few months ago I was at a friend's house, and he had a copy of the recently discovered Book of Judas. It was pretty interesting. It explained that Judas did not betray Jesus, but was actually his closest confidant. Apparently Judas was acting under secret orders from Jesus to turn him in to the Romans so that his self-prophecies could come true. More importantly, the followers of Judas were staunchly against the schools of martyrdom promoted by the other apostles, which they correctly observed only increased human suffering. Apparently this dispute is why Judas ended up with a bad rep at the hands of the other guys, who branded him a traitor and left his gospel lost for centuries.
OK, whatever, but in some other time maybe we'd hit it off... or at least add a kinky twist of erotic asphyxiation to his grand finale.

We would do everything. Right on the mushy back of that fat white horse.

Matsuko is a Japanese transgendered celebrity, who sometimes manages to speak out on TV about the economic and aesthetic difficulties that make medical gender-reassignment an impossibility for most transgendered people. No small feat when Asian media insist on presenting the most rare and picture-perfect MTFs as the norm. Sexy.

When it comes to embodying the hypocrisies of human sexuality, Hero is perfection.